Vegas 2015 TpT Conference Linky


What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegasthat is the saying, right?  WRONG! Not this time. What happened in Vegas at the Teachers Pay Teachers Conference has left Vegas and travels far and wide in the hearts and minds of all the teachers that attended. My teacher heart and mind is full and inspired.

If you read my last post, before I left for Vegas, you already know that I went alone not knowing anyone. I was nervous and unsure what to expect. I couldn’t decide if I was doing the right thing… I can say now that it was the best decision.

I learned a great deal from the sessions I took. My session presenters gave valuable information about product development, using social media, branding, marketing, using data, and so much more. That was what I had anticipated but, for me, there were so many moments that spoke to my heart. Really, I almost cried more times than I would like to admit. The energy at this conference was magical. I have never quite experienced anything like this before. Here are some of the moments that meant so much to me.

*The Key Note speaker Rachel Lynette was simply amazing. She told us about her journey with TpT and while she spoke I could feel a world of possibilities opening for me. I walked out of that room feeling empowered and reassured that I am on the right path.

*Adam Freed the CEO spoke during the key note. He really gets it. He knows that what we do as teachers is important and he respects and appreciates what we do. In the education climate we have today, his words melted me. It was not just talk, he meant it. He actually carries a quote from a teacher in his wallet.  I felt valued and that is refreshing and so very humbling. At that moment I realized this journey I am on is bigger than selling products and it made me proud to be a part of TpT.

*I had the chance to meet and have my picture taken with Paul,the founder of TpT. EEKKKK! 
*Meeting a so many of teachers in the TpT community that I admire. I don’t want to name drop… but… just kidding, It would take a really long time to name them all anyway. The point is that it felt a bit intimidating to approach these teachers because well, they are teacher rock stars, but I did and each and every one was so kind and friendly. All of my fears and anxiety were for nothing.

Here is me and  Freckles from GoNoodle!
*Meeting a cyber-friend in person. I met Mandy Gregory from Mandy’s Tips for Teachers. Without knowing me she took the time to help me and was the reason I put my first product up for sale. We have chatted only a few times on FB. Finally, we met in Vegas and I am so glad we did.  We got along and hung out together most of the time. She is so sweet and she says ‘Y’all’, which to this New Yorker is so fun to hear. Lol.  Making connections with other teachers is wonderful but making a friend is even better.

 My biggest take away from this conference is that this community can help me to be my best self. Now isn’t that what we all want, to be our best self. I am ready. I am all in. #TpTVegas15

For more Vegas adventures visit The Elementary Entourage

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